Evaluating Programs & Initiatives

A toolkit to help demystify the evaluation process and provide the tools and resources needed to use evaluation results to improve organisational outcomes.
This toolkit is divided into four parts:
- Learn: Program Evaluation Fundamentals
- Plan: Actions to Outcomes
- Implement: Design to Delivery
- Utilize: Strengthen Programming
Uses for this Toolkit:
1. Articulate and align your theory of change, goals and objectives with the outcomes you seek
2. Identify ways to use your evaluation findings to improve programs and engage stakeholders
3. Understand core evaluation terminology and principles to guide your evaluation methods design
4. Plan initial or refine existing evaluation strategies suitable for your organization through the use of practical, customizable tools
5. Deepen learning through vetted ‘selected resources’
All information & rights are accredited to https://missionspark.org/, written by Mission Spark, titled “Evaluating Programs & Initiatives”. For more toolkits by Mission Spark, please visit https://missionspark.org/toolkits/.